Looking for a new and exciting gift this season? We have you covered! Mushroom kits are great for the gardener, foodie or mushroom enthusiast in your life! They're great for all ages and there's a few varieties to choose from. 

Mushroom kits are a live item so we will be holding all early holiday orders to be shipped in December. Peak Holiday shipping will take place from December 11th-18th but we ship orders up until December 22nd. We'll be shipping all of December but preordered kits go out first! Once you receive your kit, store it in a refrigerator or in a cool/dry place until you are ready to start it or gift it. 

If you want your kit shipped later or on a particular day let us know by adding a note to your order. This is possible when viewing your cart. This is also the best place to leave a gift note. Orders intended for the 25th should be ordered no later than the 18th. 

If you would like your kit to be delivered earlier, simply use the standard shipping option at checkout and keep your kit in the refrigerator until you're ready to gift it. Grow kits can be refrigerated for up to 30 days. 

If you have any questions, you can email us at info@cascadiamushrooms.com or call us at (360) 714-8859

Thanks for choosing to give a fun and sustainable gift this season!