Here are answers to the questions we get most often from our customers. For more detailed information about growing each individual type of mushroom, check out our page on how to grow mushrooms.

Why isn’t my kit producing mushrooms?

Anytime your kit isn’t producing mushrooms it’s likely one of three reasons:
One —  It’s not receiving enough oxygen/air flow. This can be helped by removing the humidity tent after you see little buds/mushrooms emerging. Your humidity tent should also be set-up to allow for good air exchange, meaning it can’t cover the entire kit. The blocks have to breathe! 
Two — You are either over- or under- misting your block. Humidity is key but over-misting can cause the mushrooms and the block to degrade.
Three — You’re outside of the ideal temperature range, which is between 55-75 degrees F.

Where do I put my mushroom kit?

Our kits are intended to be grown indoors. There is less temperature variance and pest pressure. There are seasons suitable for outdoor growth, like spring and fall in mild climates.

How do I know when to harvest?

This is different for each species but an exciting part of the process!
Oyster mushrooms are ready when the clusters of mushrooms are large and the edges begin to flatten out. Oyster blocks will produce 1-3 crops. 
Shiitake will have similar qualities to Oyster, but another great indicator is when you can see the blade-like gills under the cap. If you can see the gills your shiitake is ready to harvest, no matter how small. This is true of Wine Cap too! If you leave mushrooms on your block for too long they will start to drop spores, which are safe but messy. Our shiitake blocks produce 1-2 crops. To try for a second crop you can soak your block, in non-chlorinated water, for 24 hours. Weigh your  block down if it floats. After this step, resume caring for your block like you were previously.
For Lion’s Mane, you can harvest once the mushrooms are large enough (up to fist-sized!) and the spines/spikes are distinct and elongated. Lion's Mane kits produce 1-2 crops. 

What will I need to grow mushrooms?

A love for fungi, a spray bottle, non-chlorinated water, a plastic bag, and chopsticks (or something similar). These items are for misting your block and for building the humidity tent that is described in our instruction pamphlets as well as on our page about growing mushrooms.

When will I see mushrooms?

Your block will start producing mushrooms in 7-14 days, depending on variety and your particular growing conditions. Our Cosmic Queen Oyster kit is slower than the other varieties, so don't be alarmed if they're last to show up to the party. We promise it's worth the wait!  

How long will the block produce mushrooms for?

Our blocks will produce for about 4 weeks. Once you are finished you can use your block as mulch/fertilizer for your garden, worm bin, or it can contribute to your compost bin. Some of our kits will produce multiple rounds of mushrooms.

Which kit is easiest?

Shiitake and Blue Oyster! All of our kits are approachable and we’re here to help, but the Lion’s Mane kit is our most advanced kit. This means it’s a bit less forgiving of an improper habitat, unlike Oysters that can grow almost anywhere!

What mushrooms can be grown outdoors?

We sell Wine Cap spawn which is great for outdoor gardening and you can also use our Oyster spawn in a similar way. All of our mushrooms are wood decomposers and thrive in beds of hardwood chips, sawdust and/or straw. We also sell mushrooms plugs that are designed to grow mushrooms out of hardwood logs.

When do I need to start my kit?

Your mushroom growing kit is a living thing and is therefore intended to be started right away. If you are not able to start your kit within a week of receiving it, you can safely refrigerate your kit for up to 4 weeks.

What is the mushroom block made of?

The blocks are a colony of mycelium, a white thread-like fungus, growing on sterilized alder/hardwood sawdust, called substrate. Kits will have white mycelium, this is not mold. Substrate, serves as food for the fungus and provides the necessary nutrients to produce mushrooms, much like they would grow from a log in the forest. We buy our ingredients for the substrate from organic growers and verified naturally-sourced and non-treated sources.

Why did my kit arrive in a black bag?

The black plastic reduces light exposure and prevents early growth in the bag. Black bags increase yields in specialty crops like Blue Oyster, Cosmic Queen and Lion's Mane. We photo all our kits in clear bags but ship our kits in the bags we use here. Don't be scared of the black bag, it's going to result in more mushrooms! 


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